Real Schools

Partnership with Real Schools

Swallowcliffe Primary School has begun a 3-year partnership with Real Schools to improve and enhance whole-school culture.

This partnership will focus on using Restorative Practices to support students to build strong & positive relationships, resolve conflict, and reduce the frequency of student behaviour and bullying incidents.

The Real Schools & Restorative Practice model aims to develop:
Committed Teachers – staff who continuously reflect on their practice & how they can create inclusive learning environments for all students;
Caring Students – students who display empathy, care about themselves & others, and understand the impact of their actions;
Connected Communities – staff, students, parents & caregivers working together to encourage responsibility and conflict management through a Restorative approach.

While we understand that everyone still makes mistakes, the aim of this model is to help people rebuild relationships that may have been harmed, with an emphasis on moving forward and learning from experiences.

Please watch the linked video ‘What is Partnership’, presented by our Expert Facilitator Kirsty Lush, for more information – What is Partnership?